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Friday, June 17, 2011

MMMMMM..meat flavored sewage mud protein….poo the other white meat

  Artificial meat the worst mystery ingredient on Iron Chef ever! artificial meat makes cannibalism seem appetizing. some how sewage mud is sterilized and broken down into some sort of nasty chunks of protein shaped colored and flavored like meat. Mankind could become a parasite species never needing to kill animals but harvest their waste for food. and all our machines run on Bio-Fuel with waste tanks brewing beneath us.there will be illegal Bio-fuel sweatshops were indentured workers are forced to produce product for the Fart Cars of the future. my heart bleeds for the smelly world of the future

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Here is an awesome pulp magazine blog specializing in lurid mens adventure style magazines known in the publishing industry by the unappetizing nickname of the “armpit sweats”. which includes pre-paste up paintings along with the artists Biographies

 These magazines were anything but political correct.  So be warned there is Nazis, commies, cannibal tribes, satanic cults, all girl motorcycle clubs and other possibly offensive stereotypes. I think of these like exploitation grind house type movies pure entertainment. 

Human Meat Cuts Diagrams

 Warning some images on links may be disturbing to some people. 

I found some strange Human meat cuts diagrams in this humorous article here .  
Also very cool little gallery here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Phantasmagoric fits of the absurd

I am experimenting in Gouache. Filling my sketchbook with little monochromatic value studies and Phantasmagoric fits of the absurd. I love the Gouache paintings of all the old schoolpainters. Now I am trying to test them out for myself. It feels like a wall has fallen over. Life drawing in charcoal has helped a great deal. I am going to practice these little monochromatic freak for a while so I will be posting the most interesting ones from my sketch book. ones. 

Here on the back of a 4x6 recipe card is the lecherous grotesque in all his leering profanity.